Below what posts this month last year worth a few minutes of time if missed.
My loving ode to the PrattleSprawl. A true Road post all about the Attleboro/Pawtucket ghetto, and the Bird Lady who rules it.
One of the first, (and still the best) Movie Pitch from 2011. It has been reposted recently, as the script based on this pitch is underway under GYPSY. So there's 2013-hope for the one fan of my Shakespeare pitch, (Me).
Complete story here, full of monsters. Is it good? Well.. it's better than the rest of April's posts.
This and Lake Geneva are connected in characters, and in the month they were written. Witches. Maine. 1919.
When I first realized I could just post crap photos. Milford, Mass -- here as often as Attleboro.
THE ROAD: How to Order a Haircut
I told the young barber I wanted a fade, but not some metro slick fade that includes a free eyebrow wax; no, I told him, "Give me a fade that looks like they just plucked me out of Kansas to go kill Krauts; I want a fade that looks good with a forty-five not a glock. I want the kind of fade that orders t-bone not tuna; the kind of hard luck fade that could be seen in a Dodge on a back road on a summer night in 1965 while Eve of Destruction plays on the radio. The kind of fade they gave Elvis before shipping him to Germany. The kind of fade that drinks bottles of Pepsi while polishing a shotgun. A fade that keeps a couple Heath bars in the glove compartment. A fade that only swims in rivers. A fade that eats onions. A fade that feels the History Channel doesn't have enough shows about mining. A fade that thinks kids is womens' business."
Kind of a nifty little bit.
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