
PHONER: Linguistics Per Touch Screen

With everything else Google has given me, here is an app for posting to my blog from my phone. If I have an idea during the day for writing, I write it with a fancy pen that writes as fast as the thoughts. Later I type on a computer at the slower speed necessary to fill out the earlier flash. What is the ratio of speed of communication to language clarity? Is that last line unclear? I'm tapping it on a phone while sitting in a bathtub while listening to a podcast while surfing the Internet. Communication moves incalculably faster, further, but mastering it today is being a master of shorthand. Were I writing in a notebook I would go a long bit on Alan Moore's idea of magic: the practitioners of the dark art in the ancient world were the masters of language. A bard means both a wizard and a storyteller. A magic spell is simply putting the words in the right order to where it is as a branding onto other minds. Texting is analogous to Gandalf tapping on the doors of Moria with a toothpick. Spk frend n enter.