
BIT: Shitheel Dialogue

-- What up
-- Dude, the 57 year old you is guarding the water fountain at Target.
-- What are you doing at Target?
-- Getting Timothy a present for his Guncles.
-- What's this now?
-- Susan's gay uncles just got married in Vermont. She's bringing the kids up there for the weekend. But I got out of going. Told her we're doing Chuck's intervention.
-- Chuck's getting an intervention?
-- No, we're going to Turning Stone.  Boom..  Ima gon'get fucked up.
-- Dude.
-- Don't even.  Chuck deserves one more Indian casino before we pokey him.  And you know who else does?  Me.  Poker-poker black-jack Corona Corona go to that steak house, talk up some bitches about how Rihanna is a role model.  Dude.  Listen. How many 26 year old women, three mojitos in, on a girls weekend at the casino, do we have left? I'm getting old, man.  
-- Chuck really i--
-- Chuck?  Chuck is probably rail-deep into an 8-ball right now, and it's Wednesday. Going to Turning Stone will be like rehab for Chuck.  Chuck?  Chuck's a degenerate. The only thing that will happen at the casino is we'll know Chuck gets a meal in him this weekend. Chuck? Fuck Chuck. Hold on.. I'm texting you a picture of 57 year old you guarding the water fountain like he's a Mister Gutsy. Did it go through? Didja get it?
-- Not yet.
-- It sent.
-- That guy's Spanish.
-- Yeah, like when you spray tanned.
-- I never spray tanned.
-- No cracker gets there naturally, Hulkster. You were going through a divorce, it was a tough time -- so you bought a Camaro, frosted your hair, and spray tanned.  You looked like a radiated Italian.
-- Jim?
-- Yes?
-- You're a bad friend.
-- Turning Stone, Buddy.  We'll do the trick where I tell the strippers you invented flavored vodka.