
FRAG: Open to Horror Movie 11-281

The rolling pine hills of northern Maine.  Aroostook.  Trees and trees and trees and a lake.  A little village around the lake, and then some trees, and one high mountain lording over it.  THE MOUNTAIN: is that a stone tower?  CLOSER.  Yes, like something out of Skyrim, or Castle Crag; but more intriguing: built around this ancient stone tower is an ultra-modern mansion, all glass and steel..
CUT TO: Standing on one of the high porches of this construct is a doofus white character with thick prescription glasses.  He's drinking a can of beer, and puffing a joint.
The sun is setting just for him.  But he isn't all that happy about it.  All goes dark and shadowy around him.
+ As the sun sets we descend to the village and the lake.  Villagers, who look like lumberjacks, get panicky.  It's the opening to The Wizard of Oz.  But no tornado.  You've never seen weather so peaceful.  Christ, it's nearly summer, and these hicks are running for their lives.
+ As things get dark, one little boy peeks through the window of his house..
+ The mountain is a silhouette.  The castle atop it is lit up for a holiday.  Then.. THEN.. the shadows come running down the mountain when she comes.
Shadows like dogs, or as Shakey said, Let slip the dogs of war! --
+ Shadow dogs howling, baying, in the lack of moonlight... Like smudges of black out of a Rembrandt they ski down the brown of the mountain, these Fenris-shapes.