
FLASH: Freaks and Leeks

He's sore at you.  Tilma says.
She sniffs the beets.
I said what I said.
Oh, you're honest.  She says.
Put the beets in a bag.  He says.
What did you say to him?
I said he deserves to be alone.
God.  Come on.  Be honest when you have something to gain.  Lie when there's something to gain.  When there's shit to lose, keep your mouth shut.  Who doesn't know this?
She scratches the skin of a leek with the nail of her pinky.
Can't you help yourself?  Are you a child?  Tilma asks. 
He puts space between them.  He turns and counts shallots. She fake laughs, too loud.
Her name is Tilma.  She loves vegetables, and making a scene.
The discomfort you feel with my volume, that's some straight-up narcissism.  He hears Tilma say.