
A.MUSKRAT.2: Women Not Objects (Per Se)

Objectifying women is nearly as troublesome as womanizing objects. For instance, Albert M. claims to see womanly shapes in everything. Sometimes an apple is just an apple, Albert, not an apple-bottom. Sometimes two softballs nestled in the gym sack of a gym teacher are not the breasts of an amorous Dutch milkmaid. Sometimes the triangulated country intersections of colonial Plimouth viewed in aerial photography are not as Albert M. Is quoted, "All the vaginas in the world". In a time and place where the objectification of women is both superfluous and taboo, what has happened to Albert M. can't be a surprise. Last week he described the eyes of an owl as being like a Spanish woman's nipples.


Tom S said...

I like the clarity of this. You write about sick puppies really clearly..

hny said...

Too clearly... Oh yes.