
CHAZZ: An Important Statement on Equality

People, it is time.  In 2011 there is no reason homosexuals should not have the right to marriage that we the enjoyers of women "enjoy".  So, today, I make this pledge, (and I hope you will join me): not until every state in the union recognizes legal and binding marriage between the homosexuals, will I, Chazz, marry my woman.  No matter how long Juanita has suffered waiting for me to get it over with, I refuse to grow up and make an honest woman of her.  How can I, when good Americans out here who have, likewise, given up on meeting someone better, can't? -- these gays should have the right to mediocrity in the ritual of mating: via marriage!  So, again, I'm sorry Juanita, but you heard it here: that's at least forty-six more states or something that need to make this happen before I can, in good faith, have that conversation with you.
                                                              Good Day,


Bud Flooring said...

I'm supposed to get married in August but you know what I'll just have to keep getting the milk for free until we can all enjoy paying for milk.

Endless endless paying.

Also heavily taxed.

hny said...

I have to agree with Chazz, and also Bud. And also Al. This makes sense. Thank you, Gentle Sirs.