
XBrick One

Up until six months ago Microsoft had no problem bragging to advertisers that the Kinect camera was the next step in advertising; the machine was designed to feed ads to you, and then report your reactions to those ads. It's like how Facebook or Google advertise to you based on the data they have on you, that is if Google or Facebook had sold you a five hundred dollar machine, and also put your tv services, (those you already pay for, like Netflix and DirectTV), behind a new paywall of fifty dollars a year. The Kinect is the reason the machine is five hundred dollars; it is also the reason the Xbox One is underpowered compared to the competition's machine when it comes to running games. None of Microsoft's big games utilize the Kinect. So why would Microsoft force the Kinect onto every Xbox purchaser, (sort of like how Windows 8 has been forced on laptop purchasers)? To watch you watch ads. It might be understandable were Microsoft giving you the machine for free. They're not. I may be a rube, but I'm not a mark. The machine is an unfinished, underpowered dog. Don't do it.

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