
Freight Release

Francium is rare earth
FR Leavis was a goon
F Roosevelt was svelte 
in the Family Room



MacAdams Gravel

the thin man down

in the gravel pit

his insides moored

by ready mix 

pushing snow

up off the pile

to load the trucks

that sand the town

in olden times

his namesakes would


the roads to Ayr

last week the doctors

kedged his guts

he won't see

next aprils flood


More Of H.H. Lime's Wisdom

"Clean white teeth come from chewing action and abrasiveness."
                                       -- Mr. H.H. Lime

The Quotable Mr. Lime

"Dikes make above ground tanks viable."
                                 -- Mr. Lime


Will's Dad, Glove Maker Recusant

William's daddy was a glover,

He'd hump the day tanning hide.

And though he couldn't read them

He bragged of his son's rimes

Will was true to faith, he'd claim

While squaring cow gut skin to wrist

He'd talk of Tyburn gallows

And note us of the naming lists:

In Stratford while the ladies pray

They mark the recusants in town,

In the shop his hanged gloves fray,

You'd think he'd touched their nightinggowns

Center town, they dragged him sweating

He cursed them all what done as him,

John was kenneled for his debts they claimed

The crows pecked his limbs? That was faith.                                                



revision focusing the imagery on John Shakespeare as alleged Catholic sympathizer. originally some wordplay mixed the JS theory with allusions to drugs and front businesses. original draft didn't mention WS or his writing past the opening line)


William Faulkner, Blogger

sometimes when you ain't slept, and you passin out on the couch listening to your iTunes, (when you half in dream the rock songs that had become trite from scoring truck commercials sound new again), you might recognize, when you take away the hype of marathon concerts, and judge purely on the recordings, Bob Seger is better than Bruce Springsteen, much better: Bruce sounds like a thoughtful man who wants the tincture of much whiskey drunk in his octaves; Bob sounds like Bob Seger -- the voice the Indians might ascribe to the outsider's drink of choice.

Socrates, Batting Coach

A spitball isn't unfair merely because you couldn't hit it.


Lesser Devils

This the allotted night they return to earth, the holiday of the lesser devils!
For all the curs'ed dwellers, those that only barely made the cut into Hell: those who spit their gum on the ground, those who borrow pens and keep them; the public dispensers of milk farts; reality television producers, Jack Nicholson impersonators, and the expert recommenders of television shows two years too late because they just got Netflix.



'You're a fuckhead'
'I prefer iconoclast'



the last settlement before the desert.
a trapezoidal hill before a river where once families of fishermen lived in mud huts.
when gold washed up with the commotion of these fishermens' nets, 
the casteless out of the lower depths of Tapo Meru crossed the desert on the prospects of merchants' stories:
of stars shining in the mud, 
a constellation of gold chinks.
these were the ones who made bricks from the mud, and walls from the brick.
these were the ones who named the hill Sind and the river Ket.
These were the ones who traded gold dust, and succored the caravans halfway to Tapo Meru
the hill grew crowded with walls and smithy holes and whore stews, 
and the river a sewer.
it was this way until a year an invader army lit the river afire, and tore down the town
and by the winter had built a balustrade out of the bones of monsters, stodged up the Ket, and squatted there for one hundred years.

this exists in a library.
today the hill is what it always was.
an outcropping of limestone overlooking a lethargic brown wash south to the sea.
on the nights we rested there we shared our camp with other merchants bound for Tapo Meru.
they shared wine, and we held a contest of telling tales, the subject the ghosts just outside our fire.



Tapo Meru

after days of nothing but hills of sand, the black trees appear on the horizon. 
they will always be the horizon. they are the highway of Tapo Meru.  an orchard of gargantua speared deep into the sand.
the Arboretum Infelix.
a day-traveling caravan cools in the shadows of these trees
and discovers the illusion.
they were made by men out of many smaller sycamore, 
hard as iron, that long ago had been fished from the northern dams,
and dragged to the desert by slaves.
like fingers clasped together, 
the trees were tied with the fibers of a well known river stalk 
that came with the wood from the north, 
from the rivers of the city -- retted cooked and plaited to make rope strong enough to hold the trees together.
of these trees taller than the eight towers of Tapo Meru, 
(one for each dead king),
not even the ageless inside the city can satisfactorily explain how they were stood.


And Change

For every historic revolution there is a nut who started it for the wrong reasons.


Chazz Amex

Cousin Chazz (@cousinchazz)
used my AMEX to buy a waterbed for my pet snakes. 

Cousin Chazz (@cousinchazz)
used my AMEX to rent a Chrysler 300 because my girlfriend is a rapper. 

Cousin Chazz (@cousinchazz)
used my AMEX to purchase a box of styrofoam popcorn.  I'm going to mail real popcorn in it, and see if Nana can tell the difference. 

Cousin Chazz (@cousinchazz)
used my AMEX to reconstitute the trust my Nana has in me via imagination air money. 

Cousin Chazz (@cousinchazz)
used my AMEX to buy Uncle Steve breakfast.  All he wanted was a liter of Mountain Dew.
#IhaveanAMEX #unclesteveisadrunk 


French Tickle

Gilles de Rais
kill the pets


HOF Waingro

1st nominee up for this blog's official Kinematograph Hall of Heroes, (the inaugural class of which will enter Movie Valhalla at the end of this year), is Waingro. 
In a movie with DeNiro, Kilmer, Danny Trejo, Jon Voight, Ashley Judd's world class booty, and Tone Loc, 1995 caper epic, Heat, should rightfully be remembered for Waingro; from the opening armored truck robbery, to the revenge tragedy endgame, Waingro is the irredescent algae in the night sea that is Heat; I realize that reference may be obscure: DeNiro tells Amy Brenneman about this glowing algae while they stand together on the porch of his empty house on the sea. 
And speaking of Judging Amy, Heat is a movie cast touchstone, only paralleled in American movies by pantheon behemoths like The Godfather, in that it either launched, Dennis Haysbert, Amy Brenneman, Diane Venora, Danny Trejo, William Finchtner; legitimized, Ashley Judd, Natalie Portman, Tom Sizemore; rebooted, Voight, Pacino; or reinterpreted a staggering number of actors' careers, as a result of Heat, DeNiro, at 52, began his new career as an action hero, something he's still cashing checks for at 70.
Heat is also populated with stunt-casting, rappers and punks like Tone Loc and Henry Rollins; the film geek mind melt that Tony Montana's two top detectives are Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs, and Bubba Gump.
Beyond these categories, you still have Hank Azaria, Jeremy Piven, Wes Studi, Xander Berkley, it never ends.
Heat set the course for a generation of working actors, it's cast has starred on twenty cable channels every night for 18 years. All but Gro.

No fan in referring to Heat speaks of Neil McCauley or Vincent Hanna, they say De Niro and Pacino. The same goes for the entire cast: Bubba Gump, the president from 24, Judging Amy, Machete, and on and on: Heat, unlike great movies, doesn't have characters, it has the answer bank to a movie trivia game, a DVR scheduled for Tuesday night on TBS, Netflix Drama rotation.
Heat is not a forgotten movie, the opening of the Dark Knight Rises is an homage, including stunt-casting William Finchtner as the mob's bank rep trying to get tough with the wrong clown: it happens that young Bill Finchtner also played lizard larceny victim Van Zant, he of the bearer bonds ripped from armored truck in Heat's legendary opening. 
The biggest hit of last year, Grand Theft Auto V, has so many Heat references, it's clear that the grittiest industrial areas of Rockstar's San Andreas are Michael Mann's L.A. 
So how can a film of some historical importance sport a cast of twenty known actors, where not one of those actors is best known for the film in question? Heat eighteen years later seems like a movie you'd invent in a dream state, where the actors from movies you've seen recently do a walk on -- it's Oz: "And you were there, and you, and you."
Heat could be great, (the universe Mann created seems more beautiful for every year of dumb heist movies that stacks atop it), were the cast not there to take you out of it -- it's like a bunch of reverse engineered cameos.
There is just the one character in Heat who is completely of the world he inhabits; his existence is why I don't finally shut the door on Heat being a great movie, (great as in pantheon -- here in one hundred years). The man who will forever stand under that overpass, at that taco stand, sitting at that Denny's booth, in that hotel luxuriating in that bathrobe before Travis Bickle puts the bullets in him, before Michael Corleone does the same to Travis Bickle. 
Waingro. HOF? Perheps. Perheps.
RIP Mr. Gro: that concussed, temporarily deaf armored truck guard was eyeballing you, I understand why you had to make a move. 
Maybe as a criminal Waingro was unfit for DeNiro's crew, but as a noir relic, he's the Maltese Falcon, greater than either DeNiro's dead man grimace, or Pacino's incessant bleating. Salud, Gro. I hope to see you in the Hall of Heroes come XMas '14.


Overwritten Sex Ghost

Everything. She was everything. And everything was amatorial. This is to say that everything, the list of every thing in the world, once she presented herself as not just a part of it, but It, was a spreadsheet of sex ideas, some hers, some yours she inspired. This kind of kitten is possible when the woman's soul is delitescent; unformatted; all those parts of her short-shrifted by her beauty, made of her person an inchoate halfling.


Merican Historie

The pilgrims built a church.

Then they built a tavern.

The States not coincidently 

are rife with superstition.


Al Muskrat Renames This Blog

1. unfinishedbullshit.blogspot.com
2. telephonepoles.blogspot.com
3. someonehasphotoapps.blogspot.com
4. thisdudeneedsaneditor.blogspot.com
5. ihavedogs.blogspot.com


Coadjutor's Report

The fastness of Cort, built out of the stone of the Fallen Mountain, at the peak of its sister mountain, Cran, was the hibernaculum of the old Boheinys, the squat ones who lead our own armies, our grand Pontifex, and the brother of the emperor, up into those mountains, and there, before the gates of Cort, trapped them. When Spring came, and we were able to climb, we sent two legions to the place. They found nothing. Not a spear. Not a deer carcus. Not a sign of camp made. The fortress was equally bereft. Wherever the Boheinys went, whether higher up the ridge, or, (through some illusory), into the mountain itself, five thousand of ours went with them.


XBrick One

Up until six months ago Microsoft had no problem bragging to advertisers that the Kinect camera was the next step in advertising; the machine was designed to feed ads to you, and then report your reactions to those ads. It's like how Facebook or Google advertise to you based on the data they have on you, that is if Google or Facebook had sold you a five hundred dollar machine, and also put your tv services, (those you already pay for, like Netflix and DirectTV), behind a new paywall of fifty dollars a year. The Kinect is the reason the machine is five hundred dollars; it is also the reason the Xbox One is underpowered compared to the competition's machine when it comes to running games. None of Microsoft's big games utilize the Kinect. So why would Microsoft force the Kinect onto every Xbox purchaser, (sort of like how Windows 8 has been forced on laptop purchasers)? To watch you watch ads. It might be understandable were Microsoft giving you the machine for free. They're not. I may be a rube, but I'm not a mark. The machine is an unfinished, underpowered dog. Don't do it.

Beer Garden

The Krauts are here
with their blonde hair
with Coca Cola
mixed in their beer
with borrowed stares
the Krauts are sour
their women fair



Christ Mingle

Best reason for the agnostic to hang out with religious people: religious people don't revere Beyoncé Knowles; they don't consider Lady Gaga a higher power; their higher power might be suspect, but at least it's mythology -- when you mythologize celebrity you're a mark for evangelism worse than any hick. I read Beyoncé Knowles say her new album was a gift to her fans, funny how she wasn't giving it away.


The Night of

God comes down to Vienna. He takes the shape of a cross eyed boy. He hands out apples to passerby on the Kaertner Strasse. And he notes who thanks him.


New Yur

listening to genghi podcasts
watching after pups = not sleeping 
counting down to 14 
with a poker game from 8
because in this,
(what used to be the bedroom ),
there's a Sony 3 for company
the pups are here
this pup hothouse
while my poor shiny new Sony 4
is lonely in the next room
I want more Battlefield!!!!
In the New Year