
ACE:The Night We Caught Christian Slater In Bed With A Ghost

Ace Milton's Hollywood tell-all is in the works.  He's given us a nice tease with the titles of the chapters.. 

Chapter 1: Community Theater and Bad Touching
Chapter 2: Actor School and Worse Touching
Chapter 7: The Night We Caught Christian Slater In Bed With A Ghost
Chapter 11: How Mel Gibson Saved Me From Myself
Chapter 12: The Day James Woods and Bruce Willis Had a Douchebag Contest Around The World
Chapter 15: Robert DeNiro Can't Read This Black Girl Told Me
Chapter 16: How Robert DeNiro Was Banned From The Fox Lot For Stalking Lisa Turtle From Saved By The Bell
Chapter 18: The Time I Saw Tom Hanks Kick A Puppy
Chapter 21: George Clooney Thinks Boobies Are "Icky" (If You Know What I Mean)
Chapter 25: The Night Tequila Made Me Think Tilda Swinton Was A Lady
Chapter 28: Cocaine Made Me Work As A Cruise Ship Magician
Chapter 31: Who The Hell Does Sam Shepard Think He Is?
Chapter 33: Heineken, Boob Sweat of The Valkyries
Chapter 35: Tom Cruise Saved Me From Drowning Twice


CHAZZ: eHarmony Profile

Actual excerpts from Chazz's dating site profile... 
+ I'm easily the most irreplaceable fictional character on the 47th most popular blog in my town.


BRG/TNL/500: 7 The 88 Convoy

ALAN HAD called but she had left the phone in her room to grow some courage against Roger not calling;
She woke late in the day on the roof, returned to her room and showered.  Now it was too late to walk to the office without an escort, and so she decided Alan Marybella and Henny Newton would have to wait an extra day.  Even as she said it her room became very ugly.  Poisonous cold panic came to her from looking at the corners of the room.
She thought of how her father would have said corners of the room.  Coroners of the rum.


RETSPEC: Collected Header Images

Collected headers from the 15 months of this blog ..
Limtucky Fall 2011


BIT: The Triumvirate of High Fantasy Martyrdom Known As Sean Bean

There was a time before he was the father, son, and ghost of modern fantasy martyrdom, when Sean Bean was just a Brit getting ambushed by Robert DeNiro's cup of coffee in RONIN.  Now he has conquered the sword and shield crowd at every shelf of the modern fantasy storytelling libram.


MUSKY: Eulogizing Tina Copperzink

Al Muskrat's history column is postponed until next month because he felt strongly we post his eulogy for Tina Copperzink.


GYPSY: (Chimp Recap; Dash Lead-In)

*Because it has taken three months to complete the second segment. And as this second longer segment is POSTING in a few DAYS, and as the story has a like ellipsis to the interval in which it has been written, and as I feel strongly about people reading it, I felt this brief recap necessary. Elvis, by the way.


TRUE: Haulin Ass For The Saudis

Where my Cousin makes a deal with Saudi Arabia
Blog Hits for Booty Pics.