
SONNET:You Weren't Sad Enough 1.1

The reason is you were not sad enough
To see my notes plucked out from under bed
And satchel'd up with all my other stuff
To cross the bridge and go out like you said
You thought the time was left to do goodbye
You thought hello might time and oft resume
When you returned to see our pretty sty
Was there space for you in that little room?
    Was time rid rough by your reflection?
     Do Tigers feed on nat selection?



This place gets 6 stars for the 5 bars of WIFI, 4 pillows per bed, DELIVERY FALAFELS -- yes, you read that right -- Uncle Chuck's delivers Falafels.  God truly loves Worcester.  And so do I.


MOVIE PITCH: The Golemic Polemic

-- Genre: Dark Comedy-Sci-Fi; and away we go....
-- Our main character is named Sven, and we OPEN with Sven's American Gigoloesque preparation for going out on the town, scored to Robert Palmer's Addicted To Love -- which includes: 

HACKWORK: Blacky on the Mountain pt1

-- Maine wilderness, snowplowing, prison, and Lycanthropy --

LIST! a scripthack's music playlist

Here is the playlist that is writing MLH for me:


-- WINTER: There's this kid.  Fifteen, Sixteen.  Rural Maine.  Young for his age. Very poor.  I posted the rough opening segment introducing him, his poor mutt, his trailer without heat in the middle of the winter, his mother and sister reading tabloids in their winter coats, his sword and sorcery novels. Life sucks.
-- SPRING: So: When next we see the kid he's sweeping the floor of a massive garage; in and out come work trucks; on said trucks crews load batteries and equipment that are (as we'll learn) installed on cellular tower sites...

MLH HYPE PROSE 3: Lee, Anne, Clamdiggers, Lobstermen

-- He thought: I am unformed.  You've un'd what form I have; scoop me up, lay me under your chin, I'll have your name the password to  my e-mail; I'll have your eighth grade portrait hidden in my trapper-keeper; I'll steal toy jewelry from that Walmart and leave it on your windowsill, all of this while waiting for you to rebuild me! 
-- Even as Lee was ready to hit himself with the same old line: Slow down, Lee, don’t goo-goo eye so fast, another woman did it for him.  A squat girl with a pained look as if their laughing was something she had caught them doing, and here she was, designated by what God girls of clamdiggers believe in, to scold them before their sinning was irreparable.  The poor smurf signaled Anne with shaky eyebrows.  In himself, Lee named this interloper Smurf-Brow.


MLH HYPE PROSE 2 : How a Pizza Boy Falls in Love

-- Here's Lee Hunnewell who four summers ago met Anne Milton at a five/ten poker game on Owl's Head with the diggers and the fishermen.  She was a pretty monkey perched in the kitchen with the females satellites to her skirt, dungaree bridesmaids waiting for their dates to go broke.


MLH HYPE PROSE 1: The Pizza Boy

-- Tonight between the town and the ocean is the black car hunting the wharf, rolling in and out of light like a monster, and the other clichés, like the engine growling and such.

STORY: Owls Head Menagerie

A super short, super stupid story that is funnier when I'm reading it aloud, as I do every Arbor Day.


MLH: Great Novel as TV Masterpiece

-- What is MLH?  Everything.
-- I'm sure everyone has at one time in their life said to themselves: Wouldn't it be great if someone could write the great American novel in the format of a weekly television program.  Come on, admit it.
-- Well wait no more.


STORY: Mis-En-Place

Another contest story!  Zombies - not my genre, but here it is: New York, zombies, hard drugs, and fine dining.  Not fair to really call it a story.  More like a sketch.


SCRIP FRAG: Dead Dog: Segment One

there's a serial killer movie coming after this; this segment is about introducing a main character, his circumstances, before putting the kid to a story --

STORY: The Three Weyard Sisters

This is an unfinished story that was part of a contest I was in with my sister to write ten horror stories; I lost on technicality, having not finished all ten categories.  This was the first half of my Witch story that is MacBeth witches if Stephen King wrote them into Limington, Me in 1919.